Reconstruction of 8 bridges upon the Albert Canal
As part of the gauging (height 9.10 m) for class Vb of the Albert Canal between Liège and Antwerp, the majority of the bridges must either be raised or replaced. The replacement of eight bridges was awarded under a DBFM contract.
Seven of them are tied-arch bridges (bowstring bridges) with two lanes of traffic and two bicycle/pedestrian paths (or eco-connexion) on either side, separated by a concrete barrier. The two inclined metal arches merge at the top; the hangers, parallel, are 5 m apart, in the plane of the arches. The deck consists of two 2.4 m high lateral steel box beams, I-shaped steel cross beams approximately 3.7 m apart and a 24 cm thick concrete slab.
The bridges differ by:
- their main span (5 bridges of 123 m, 1 bridge of 128 m, 1 bridge of 174 m),
- their width (15.60 m and 16.10 m between main girders).
All tied-arch bridges are built on the bank and then brought into place with a pontoon.
The eighth bridge is of cable-stayed type; it has two lanes of traffic and two bicycle/pedestrian path, a main span of 123 m and a functional width of 15.60 m. The deck consists of two 2.4 m high lateral steel box beams, I-shaped steel cross beams approximately 3.7 m apart and a 25 cm thick concrete slab. The expansion joint is located in the span; the main girders are supported by a tie member on each side of the joint, balanced by a rear tie member anchored in the abutment. The pylons are inclined in line with the abutment.
Optimisation studies for the submission of tenders, project-, execution- and assembly studies, on behalf of the consortium of companies via T Albert