Philippe CLOSSET
Philippe Closset joined bureau greisch in 1999. Graduated with distinction from the university of Liège (1999), he directly joins bureau greisch and starts as an engineer on various works such as bridges, buildings, or civil engineering works.
In 2004, he becomes project manager in the buildings department and in 2016, he becomes project director, responsible for the buildings and reinforcement departments and initiates the transition of bureau greisch towards BIM.
From 2020, he becomes director of Greisch Coordination & Etudes. Thanks to the diversity of the projects in which he participates, he becomes a specialist of large scale and non-traditional concrete structures. His involvement in high-rise projects, such as the WTCIV, the Realex or the CCN projects, makes him a specialist in large-scale structures and associated problems.
More specific projects such as the renovation of the ORW or the Ghlin water tower have allowed him to gain experience in more complex, less traditional structures made of concrete and steel structures.
After having been project responsible for the construction of the D wing of the “Clinique et Maternité Ste Elisabeth”, his experience in the hospital field was refined through his role as project manager for the CHIREC and his role as advisor for the new hospitals Montlégia (CHC Liège), Vivalia and CSPO.
In recent years, his involvement in renovation projects has allowed him to gain experience in this field and to develop his desire to improve and restore Belgian buildings.
Philippe Closset carries out all his activities within bureau greisch on behalf of PHIC srl