Completion of works at UCLouvain FUCaM Mons

    The new FUCaM campus in Mons will be fully completed by the start of the 2023 academic year.

    Won in 2020 as part of a Design & Build competition, this project consists of a low-energy student accommodation building (80 rooms) and an academic building with a hemispheric auditorium, a multi-purpose computer room, coworking spaces and laboratories.

    In association with the DDV Architecture Studio and the Duchêne companies, bureau greisch was responsible for stability, building engineering services, energy design and EPB management, from the competition phase through to the acceptance of works.

    This complex of buildings for UCLouvain is part of the development of a SMART campus (creative, cultural, connected and eco-responsible) focusing on creativity, entrepreneurship, educational innovation and new media.

    Photos © Philippe Piraux