Renovation of the Auvelais lock
Renovation of the Auvelais lock
Renovation of the Auvelais lock
Renovation of the Auvelais lock

    Renovation of the Auvelais lock

    The project consists of the renovation of the existing lock to bring the structure up to ECMT VA gauge to ensure the passage of 110 m x 11.4 m, 2000 t boats. In addition to the deepening of the lock, the project also includes the renovation of the two piers, the replacement of the two gates and the four valves.

    Following a land subsidence, it is not possible to guarantee the stability of the existing downstream pier, while the upstream pier is being rebuilt to be compatible with the future ship dimensions.

    The surroundings of the lock are also being renovated and the masonry maintained.

    During the works, river navigation will be maintained. Only four-day breaks during the year and a 30-day break are planned to replace the two gates. In this context, the outer shell of the piers is prefabricated in several elements. The latter are laid, the ironwork is added, and the interior of the envelope is concreted, all under water. The rear slab is also rebuilt under water and the rest of the work is carried out while the lock is dry. The entire slab is lowered by 50 cm and the intermediate gate enclave is closed.


    Complete stability and design of steel structures mission