“Passerelle des Arts” in Luxembourg
“Passerelle des Arts” in Luxembourg
“Passerelle des Arts” in Luxembourg
“Passerelle des Arts” in Luxembourg

    “Passerelle des Arts” in Luxembourg

    Located in the middle of the Trois Glands national forest, the new pedestrian-cyclist footbridge gives cyclists and pedestrians access to the Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam) and the surrounding area.

    With a length of 87 m and an average width of 3.75 m, this structure is shaped in such a way as to preserve as many existing trees as possible. In order to reduce the impact on the ground, the number of piers, varying in height from 4 to 12 metres, has been limited to 3. The foundations are based on a series of micropiles that bridge the existing impetrants and the thick backfill in the lower section.

    The structure is made up of caissons that are bolted together on site to minimise the need for on-site welding. Stainless steel was chosen as the material of choice to ensure exceptional durability and weather resistance, with no need for any special maintenance in the forest. The surface finish is impeccable, thanks to a mirror-polished treatment on the outer surfaces. The inside surfaces of the footbridge, as well as the piers, are sandblasted and bead-blasted.

    The balustrades are made of curved glass panels fitted with anti-collision film for birds. A stainless steel handrail completes the equipment with integrated LED lighting. The lighting is deliberately kept to a minimum to limit light pollution in the forest.


    Photos © Marc Mimram Architecture Ingénierie


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