Learning & Development Center « Infrabel Academy » in Molenbeek
Learning & Development Center « Infrabel Academy » in Molenbeek

    Learning & Development Center « Infrabel Academy » in Molenbeek

    The new Infrabel Learning Centre is located above a tunnel consisting of four subway lines that run close to Beekkant station. Three tunnels come together to form one single tunnel under the north area of the building. For rational reasons, the dimension, position and structure of the building are designed to take into account the tunnel infrastructure.

    The project consists of the construction of a learning centre that is fully accessible to PRMs that offers theoretical (8,800 m²) and practical (560 m²) courses to train Infrabel personnel in railway-oriented trades and professions. The land on which the building is erected includes outdoor areas where the trainees can simulate work on railway tracks.

    The chosen structural solution involves the creation of columns between the subway sections. Because new columns are being erected inside the subway tunnel, considerable precautions must be taken and a number of technical difficulties must be overcome (protection systems, limited construction time, the possibility of subway derailment, the limited available space in the tunnel and the need to test the existing structures).

    The possibility of derailment of the subway has been taken into consideration. Based on the speed of the subway line and the column/line distances, several successive columns of the same line could be affected by a derailment. The beams above the affected columns at the interface between the building and the subway are designed to ensure the stability of the building in the event of such an accident scenario.

    The structures of the building are made of prefabricated concrete. At G+3, a metal frame covers the technical rooms and the sheds.


    Photos @Ulrich Schwarz, phone +49 30 4278708


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