Footbridge Hoge Brug at Maastricht
Footbridge Hoge Brug at Maastricht

    Footbridge Hoge Brug at Maastricht

    This bridge is the new link for pedestrians and cyclists between the new district “Céramique” and the old city of Maastricht. Entirely made up of steel, it has an overall length of 261 m. The 7,20-meter-wide deck is a box girder shaped as a circle sector.

    The accesses, lightly inclined, are stairs with lateral gutters for the bicycles guidance.

    On each bank, a completely glazed lift allows the access to the bridge.

    The 164-meter-long main span is a bowstring bridge with a single central arch of variable geometry and 14 crosswise full locked suspension cables, 50 mm in diameter.


    Complete mission of architecture, stability and building techniques (including the assistance to the direction of works)

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