F Tower in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Included in the urban development plans since 1970, Tower F, designed by architect Pierre Fakhoury, is the sixth tower in the city’s administrative centre. To date, it is also the highest tower in Africa.
Its geometry is symmetrical, like an African mask.
At the request of Besix, bureau greisch is carrying out the optimisation studies, the execution studies of the concrete structure and the metal frames and is participating in the synthesis of the project.
Nearly 400 m high, the tower has 72 floors of offices and an auditorium with over 200 seats on the first floor.
The foundation system is made up of a 3.5 m thick slab resting on 80 m deep bars. The bureau greisch participated in the soil-structure interaction studies.
The superstructure, entirely cast in place, is braced by a central core. The optimisation studies carried out by bureau greisch have allowed a clear optimisation of the thickness of the walls.
The perimeter columns follow the edges of the facets of the outer shell and therefore have varying inclinations. At the foot of the tower, steel deflection structures limit the number of columns and open up access to the building as much as possible.
The complete study of the tower was the subject of complex interactive models integrating the dynamic properties of the structure, interacting with the response of the foundation system under the effects of the wind. A sensitivity analysis of the model (cracking, link stiffness, etc.) was carried out in order to validate the calculation hypotheses. All the studies and the synthesis are carried out via an advanced BIM process.
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