Opéra Royal de Wallonie
Opéra Royal de Wallonie

    Opéra Royal de Wallonie

    The work involves restoring the listed parts of the building and adapting it to the contemporary requirements of opera techniques. It will regain its original neoclassical appearance but will be enhanced by an additional modern volume in the roof to incorporate three levels of floor space.

    The studies mainly concern the new structures to be placed on top of the existing building without altering the listed parts.

    Above the main hall, large metal beams spanning 22 m will be built to support the three new floor levels. In the meantime, a temporary protective structure for the listed ceiling will be installed as soon as work begins, to protect it from the elements and any damage that may occur during the works.

    Above the stage, a new metal structure will be needed to house the new technical equipment for the scenography.

    The additional wind loads induced by the elevation are absorbed by the concrete walls in the new lift shafts or integrated into the stage shaft.

    The structure supporting the new addition is laid on top of the existing walls. As the quality of the existing soil was not sufficient to support the additional load, micro-piles have to be installed. The new loads are transferred directly to these via concrete columns integrated into the existing masonry.


    Complete stability mission