Oyala bridges In Equatorial Guinea
Oyala bridges In Equatorial Guinea

    Oyala bridges In Equatorial Guinea

    The construction of four new road cable stayed bridges over the Rio Wele in Oyala fits into the development of the future city.

    The structures consist of a prestressed concrete deck, supported by two lateral plans of 2 * 8 stay cables, hanging on four towers. The lower part of the towers is of reinforced concrete and the upper part, on which the stays are anchored, is metallic.

    The deck section is composed of two longitudinal beams of prestressed concrete, interconnected by cross beams also of prestressed concrete. There are 2 * 2 car lanes separated by a median strip, bordered on each side by a sidewalk two meters wide on the deck.

    The deck is 150 m long, 23.6 m wide and 1.55 m high. The central span is 81 m long.

    Access to the site is made ​​difficult by the presence of the Rio Wele, the deck is built with moving equipments, by successive cantilever starting from the pylons.


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